New Exhibit: SPECTIVE by Luke Dolkas
New Exhibit
Spective by Luke Dolkas
Introspective. Retrospective. Perspective. Prospective. Many types of Spective.
My inspiration for this exhibit was originally to soley declutter my art storage spaces. However after dusting them off and hanging them, I realized that they all have a story that deserves to be told. Before I let them sail down the river, I need to wrap them in vessels of their origins. As I have developed as an artist, each of these pieces and periods have a part in the history of my journey. Letting go and moving forward with art making is essential, but also taking the time to understand how you got here and where you want to go relies on inspecting and respecting the past. I thought I would tell a bit about my life through these art pieces, and let them have a future on fresh walls with new eyes. There is a short blurb about the history of each of the 34 pieces included in the exhibit, and they are all affordably priced at $50 each.
On view at our N. Albina location during normal business hours through November 27, 2014